New Maps and Weapons Set Sail for Splatoon 2

At Gamescom the Squid Research Lab have revealed some new content drops coming to Splatoon 2 over the next few weeks, including that awesome boat map that was teased pre-release! It’s called Manta Maria, and will be added to the map rotations on Saturday 26th of August. Gameplay on this map will be centered around the three masts of the ship that you can climb up and down.
Next up was the announcement of a release date for the Bubble Blower special weapon that was revealed pre-release. This weapon can fire up to three bubbles that can act as shields from enemy attacks. If they’re doused in too much enemy ink then they will disappear, but if your team shoots them instead they’ll explode and take out any nearby enemies. The Bubble Blower will be included in the loadout of the Forge Splattershot Pro, which will be added to the game on September 2nd – just in time for the next Splatfest!
The final announcement was a new Salmon Run map, Lost Outpost. This map is focused around an abandoned outpost with tall walls that can be inked and climbed, but impede your team’s vision of the surroundings. Lost Outpost is available for local play from today once you’ve downloaded the newest Splatoon 2 update, but to play it online you’ll need to wait until it’s selected for a Salmon Run session. The new update also includes some general bugfixes and balancing changes for the Salmon Run mode.