An Improved Z-Ring Toy Will Launch Alongside Pokemon Ultra Sun & Ultra Moon

Pokemon Ultra Sun & Ultra Moon - New Z-Power Ring

Last year a toy launched alongside Pokemon Sun & Moon that was a replica of the Z-Ring your character wore in-game. You could attach Z-Crystal toys to it just like in the game and it would light up and vibrate to simulate the moves that you were performing in the game, or you could set it to a ‘role-play’ mode that let you trigger effects whenever you wanted. We took the Z-Ring for a spin and found that it was a bit of fun but too clumsy to use with the game all the time because it didn’t actually sync with the console, rather it used a microphone to listen for cues from the game audio. This meant you needed to hold it near your game speakers and not play with headphones, which is a bother. TOMY revealed a new and improved replica toy for Japan, based off the new Z-Power Ring you’ll use in Pokemon Ultra Sun & Ultra Moon releasing later this year. Well it turns out the West (including Australia!) will be getting this toy too and I just hadn’t heard about it. How about that!

Pokemon Ultra Sun & Ultra Moon - New Z-Power Ring Packaging

The Z-Power Ring toy comes with a Mimikium Z, Lycanium Z and a Mimikyu figurine, and is available for pre-order now from EB Games with a November 17th release date. There’s also two sets of Z-Crystals available for purchase separately and it might be compatible with the crystals released for the original toy but the description isn’t clear on that.

The product description talks about the new features of this toy (and really loves saying you’ll feel thrills) and it sounds like it’s a lot more involved than the original toy. While this one will also react to the Z-Moves you use in the game, it will also react to these other scenarios:

  • When you are given a Z-Crystal
  • When you select a Z-Crystal in your bag
  • When you battle an Island Kahuna
  • When you enter certain areas in the game

Additionally, the toy has motion sensors and will trigger special effects as you physically perform the special dance move tied to each Z-Move in real life, adding a bit of extra role-play fun.

The new Z-Power Ring will cost $40 and the packs of Z-Crystals will cost $10 each. They will all be available alongside Pokemon Ultra Sun & Ultra Moon on November 17th.

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