New LEGO Dimensions Trailers Show off Harry Potter’s Wizarding World

LEGO Dimensions Harry Potter

Two new trailers for LEGO Dimensions put a focus on the Harry Potter content that will be available in the game’s next wave of content releases. Purchasing the Harry Potter Team Pack will give you Harry and Voldemort as playable characters, accompanied by Mr. Weasley’s flying car and the Hogwarts Express as vehicles. You’ll also be able to enter an open world Adventure World set in the Harry Potter universe featuring locations such as the Chamber of Secrets and Diagon Alley, and a brand new Battle Arena set in a Quidditch Pitch.

Yes, it looks like Aperture Science have set up some testing areas within the Chamber of Secrets. With both trailers showing off interior environments within Hogwarts Castle such as the Chamber and the Gryffindor Common Room it would appear that the castle itself will be a large, explorable area. The Harry Potter Team Pack launches September 28th as part of LEGO Dimensions Wave 6. This release date and others are available in our calendar.

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