Mission Impossible Level Pack – Minikit and Citizen in Peril Guide

LEGO Dimensions - Mission Impossible Level Pack Guide

Good morning, Agent Hunt. Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to find 10 minikits scattered throughout the Mission Impossible Level Pack. To do so you will need the following abilities. Abilities supplied by the game’s Starter Pack and this Level Pack have been marked with an asterisk, but keep in mind you may need to upgrade your vehicles for some abilities.

  • Relic Detection*
  • Grapple*
  • Parseltongue
  • Gold LEGO Destruction*
  • Intelligence
  • Mini Access
  • Magno Gloves*
  • Sonar Smash*
  • Digging
  • Boomerang*
  • Flight + Silver LEGO Destruction combination*
  • Scan Disguise*
  • Slurp Access
  • Fuse Box*
  • Master Build*
  • Charge Transfer
  • Magic*
  • Drill

Agent Dunn has also been seen in the area, so if you find him then ensure he is extracted to safety. This guide is broken up into the same chapters that the level is so as to better assist you. This message will not self-destruct. Good luck.

Hunt-ing for Golitsyn

Minikit 1

As soon as you begin the level, you’ll see a glowing Relic Detection area to your right. Head down there and scan it to reveal a Grapple point. Pull that down and a giant snake will appear that a Parseltongue character can talk to.

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When they do so, the snake will give you the parts required to build a boat. The boat will reel in the minikit with its fishing line.

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Minikit 2

Once you’re inside the embassy, use Ethan’s disguise ability to get through the first door just as you would if playing the level normally. As soon as you get through that door, keep walking straight ahead and look up. There’ll be Gold LEGO you can destroy which will cause the decorations to crash. There will be pieces leftover that you can use to build the minikit.

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Minikit 3

In the same room as minikit 2, head right down to the bottom of the stairs that will be on your right. There will be an Intelligence panel that will open the door to the minikit when you solve its puzzle.

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Minikit 4

When you’re pursuing Golitsyn outside the embassy, you will build a vehicle ramp that sends you into an area with a Chroma puzzle. When you arrive here, head to the bottom-left of the area, where you’ll find a Mini Access area. It will lead you to the minikit.

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Fish Tank Fracas

Minikit 5

Break out of the restaurant as per usual, and then look to your right. You should see a blue wall that Ethan can climb with his Magno Gloves.

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When you’re at the top, use Sonar Smash to break the glass containing the minikit.

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Minikit 6

To get this minikit you’ll need to find 3 hidden briefcases outside the CIA headquarters in Langley. The first is right in the centre of the garden. Smash the flowers to reveal some dig spots. Dig them up to find the parts for the briefcase.

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The next briefcase is very close – head to the right and use Boomerang on the van. The parts for the briefcase will come out.

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The final briefcase is where the fire alarm is on the roof. You’ll need a character or vehicle who can fly and destroy Silver LEGO, but I ended up using a vehicle since some characters had trouble targeting the area. Fly up above the alarm and destroy the grate, then use the parts that fall out to build the final briefcase, which will contain the minikit.

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Secret Area

To find minikits 7-9, you’ll need to enter a secret area. This area can be accessed from the foyer of the CIA building. Head to the left of the room and smash the equipment there. This will give you the parts needed to fill in the track that you’ll push the vending machine along.

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When the vending machine is pushed to the end of the track, it will open up a Slurp Access vent. Interacting with it will take you to the secret room where three minikits await.

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Minikit 7

Smash the consoles in the middle of the room to reveal parts that need a Master Builder to assemble.

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Use the parts to build a camera, which will break and fall into the centre of the room. Break it open to get the minikit.

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Minikit 8

Head to the left of the room and climb the ladder. Use a character with Charge Transfer to drain the power from the laser fence.

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Head through the now open passageway to find a Fuse Box that Ethan can hack. Hacking it will fire a missile that will give you pieces you can build into a pair of glasses.

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Use Magic to use the glasses, which will reveal the minikit

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Minikit 9

Use the Charge Transfer character you used to get the previous minikit to power up a terminal on the right-hand side of the room.

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This will open the door that the minikit is hiding behind, but there’ll still be lasers that you’ll have to avoid with expert timing.

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Citizen in Peril – Benji Dunn

Agent Dunn can be found back in the main foyer of the building. In the bottom-right area of the room, smash the objects near the wall. This will reveal a Drill panel, which you’ll need to open up. Doing so will give you the parts for a Disguise panel.

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Use the Disguise panel to scan the guard, and then access the security terminal further up along the right-hand side of the room. This will shut down the big laser gate.

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Head through the gate, where you’ll find Benji. Use Magic on the pliers and move them into the marked areas to assist him.

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Black Vault Descent

Minikit 10

During the iconic abseiling scene, land on the laser emitter in the centre of the room. The minikit is on top of it.

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