Pre-orders for the Crash Edition of Skylanders Imaginators Go Live This Week

Crash Bandicoot in Skylanders Imaginators

UPDATE: Price has been added

This story’s come full circle a bit! As a result of our report that the Crash Edition of Skylanders Imaginators would be exclusive to Target in Australia, we now also know that pre-orders for this version of the game will open this Thursday. CrashyNews (via CrashsAussiePal) have received correspondence from Target’s customer support stating that pre-orders will be available in-store (not online) and will require a $20 deposit. Target’s Twitter account has now confirmed this as well.

We don’t yet know what the price of the game will be, but we’ve contacted Target on Twitter to see if they know yet. Given that pre-orders are opening on a Thursday I’m betting that this week’s catalogue will be advertising the game, and will have the price if we don’t find out before then.

Target have gotten back to us and we now know that the Crash Edition of the game will cost $119. The Crash Edition of Skylanders Imaginators will only be on PS4, but the figures contained within will work with all versions of the game. For those of you not playing on PS4, a special Adventure Pack containing all the Crash content will be available for purchase some time this year with a RRP of $39.95.

UPDATE: Pre-orders at Target will not come with Kaos. Choose your poison.

All versions of the game will be releasing October 13th. This release date and others are available in our calendar.

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