First Details on Metroid: Samus Returns’ amiibo Usage

Metroid: Samus Returns

The Japanese site for Metroid: Samus Returns has launched, and it includes some details on what amiibo will be used for in the game. The game is compatible with the Samus and Zero Suit Samus amiibo from the Smash Bros. line as well as the new Samus and Metroid amiibo from the Metroid line of figures that launch alongside the game.

The new Samus amiibo from the Metroid line will grant you a reserve Aeon tank. Aeon is the resource you need to trigger special abilities, so if you run out then the reserve tank will kick in and give you a refill. You’ll also unlock a gallery of Metroid II artwork, which you seemingly need to beat the game in order to use but the translation is a bit unclear. It could either mean that you need to beat the game after scanning the amiibo to unlock it or that you’ll need to beat the game to unlock it if you don’t have the amiibo.

The Metroid amiibo will give you a Metroid Marker that shows the location of the nearest Metroid on the map. It’ll also unlock a new difficulty mode called ‘FUSION’ that makes the game harder and gives you the Fusion Suit. This mode is also said to be unlocked after clearing the game.

The existing Samus amiibo from the Smash Bros. line will give you a missile reserve tank that refills some of your missiles should you run out. After clearing the game you’ll also get a gallery of concept art.

And finally, the Zero Suit Samus amiibo will give you a reserve energy tank that will refill some of your health if you run out, and after clearing the game you’ll gain access to the Sound Test mode where you can listen to the game’s soundtrack.

Metroid: Samus Returns launches September 16th for the Nintendo 3DS family of systems, alongside the new Samus and Metroid amiibo figures.

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